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A roadmap now aligns and connects EU and Ocean Decade programmes and mobilises partners within and outside the EU Today, at the UN Ocean Decade conference held in Barcelona, DG...
The 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference takes place on 10-12 April in Barcelona, Spain, as the highlight of the Ocean Decade Week (8-12 April), and as cornerstone event within this...
Through a large-scale basin effort, representatives of 16 organisations from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cabo Verde, France, Germany, Ireland, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, and Spain have joined forces to establish...
22 November 2023, Cape Town, South Africa The Partners and Supporters of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA), recognizing the urgency to act and the need to focus...
Science communicated through beautiful stories

Science communicated through beautiful stories

Once upon a time is a project with the aim to com­mu­nic­ate sci­ence through short stor­ies in or­der to en­cour­age the dia­logue between sci­ent­ists and the pub­lic.

A group of in­ter­na­tional re­search­ers from dif­fer­ent in­sti­tu­tions, mainly in Bre­men, but co­oper­at­ing with vari­ous sci­ent­ists, writers, artists in Ger­many and in­ter­na­tion­ally are writing short stor­ies deal­ing with the top­ics of their field of re­search: the mar­ine realm, cli­mate change, the im­port­ance of the seas and oceans and how hu­mans can dis­cover, util­ize and pro­tect them. They want to communicate with chil­dren but also with adults from all over the world.

The first set of stor­ies is free to down­load in Ger­man, Eng­lish and Span­ish as an ebook. The first book was com­pleted in the frame­work of the “Sci­ence Year 2016/​17: Seas and Oceans” (Wis­senschaft­s­jahr 2016/​17: Meere und Ozeane) thanks to the fund­ing of the ini­ti­at­ive Sci­ence in Dia­log (Wissenschaft im Dialog) and the Ger­man Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Sci­ence (Bundesmin­is­terium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) through the com­pet­i­tion “Show your re­search!” (Hoch­schul­wettbe­w­erb – Zeigt eure Forschung!). The pro­ject was one of the three win­ners of the com­pet­i­tion! 

The team is now busy trans­lat­ing the book into other lan­guages, and working on a new one full of stories to be shared! 
